5 Interactive Distance Learning Programs on Islamic Banking and Finance

Monday, June 1, 2009

MoU On' Takaful' Plan For UBD Army Cadets

Bandar Seri Begawan - A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide a comprehensive takaful or insurance plan for members of Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) Army Cadet Platoon was signed yesterday.

The MoU between UBD and Insurans Islam Taib on Group Family Takaful coverage plan which is specifically designed for uniformed cadets is part of the university's efforts to give financial protection to its army cadets against casualties and body injuries during their training.
Acting Dean of Students, Dr Hj Ramlee Hj Tinkong, regarded the insurance coverage as a significant milestone in the achievement list for UBD's Army Cadets, which was established recently.

Named Platoon 9000, it has a member list of 16 men and 18 women cadets, including Her Royal Highness Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Isteri

Pengiran Anak Sarah, who was present as the guest of honour at the event.
The comprehensive Takaful Package will assist the cadets in their endeavors towards being a successful association, Dr Hj Ramlee said.

The plan will provide monetary coverage for any injuries or death, incurred on any of the cadets during the duration of training.

The coverage runs for 24 hours a day and can be applicable for any training around the world.

The plan is valid for a period of one year as of today, and will also cover the army cadets instructors.

Signing on behalf of UBD Army Cadet Platoon, was Dr Azman Ahmad, acting assistant vice-chancellor of UBD, while Insurans Islam Taib was represented by Pg Hj Abd

Rahman Pg Hj Mat Salleh, chairman of the Board of Directors of the company.

Senior Manager of Insurans Islam Taib, Dk Norainin Pg Hj Sablon announced that other uniformed cadets such as police, fire rescue as well as members of Scouts, Girl Guide and Red Crescent associations, will soon be enjoying the same takaful protection coverage.

However, she did not elaborate on it further.

Present to witness the ceremony was Dr Hj Zulkarnain Hj Hanafi, the vice-chancellor of UBD, members of Insurans Islam Taib Board of Directors, permanent secretaries from various ministries and departments as well as officers from Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei (Taib) and its other subsidiary, Darussalam Holdings.

-- Courtesy of The Brunei Times

1 comment:

  1. Salam,
    I have never come across of your blogspot. Can you link to our blogspot: Insuranstaib.blogspot.com
