With the global financial crisis raging, Islamic finance seems to have been relatively unscathed. Takaful still remains a viable option, if not a more attractive option now for both Islamic as well as conventional clients. Asia Insurance Review, therefore together with our Lead Sponsor B.E.S.T Re is putting together the next Asian Takaful Conference this year to address the challengesand opportunities facing takaful in the current global financial crisis. The conference, supported by International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF) & the International Insurance and Takaful Companies Federation (FIITC) will look at the theme, "The New Takaful Landscape in the Current Global Financial Crisis".
However, takaful players together with regulators and rating agencies must remain vigilant to ensure that proper risk management practices are in place to determine solvency and capital requirements.
The 4th Takaful Conference will look at issues that affect the Takaful industry in this current financial crisis �' the growth potential, corporate governance, maintaining solvency, the role of regulators in ensuring a balanced regulatory framework, and the operational and strategic challenges faced by takaful operators. There will be special panel discussions on issues like surplus distribution, as well as a comparison between how takaful is run in Asia and the Middle East. The conference will touch on the need to boost standards in the takaful world and offer real value to consumers while making sure the industry remains effi cient, competitive and compliant. There will be a sharing of success stories in the arena as well as the factors limiting the growth of takaful and retakaful.
Sign up today for this important event to learn from the leaders and to find out how to sharpen the edge of your takaful business and how to make it a serious platform for success. The conference is expected to attract takaful as well as conventional companies from around Asia including insurance and reinsurance companies, Islamic banking institutions, regulators, Shariah scholars, consultants, brokers as well as service providers keen to tap the potential of the takaful market. We hope to see you in Singapore.
Who Should Attend
* Life & General Insurance & Reinsurance Companies (both Takaful and Conventional)
* Takaful Companies and those providing Takaful insurance services
* Islamic Banking Institutions & Islamic Finance Players
* Regulators
* Shariah Scholars
* Management Consultants
* Reinsurance & Insurance Brokers
* Service Providers to the Takaful industry, ie lawyers, technology companies, loss adjusters, etc.
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